How to stop/avoid/prevent yourself From Nightfall Wet Dreams ( Nocturnal Emission)

 Nightfall knows all about it. It is called wet dress, sweet dreams and it is called Nocturnal Emission in English language.Normally, in the doctor's language, it is not considered a very big disease, but in Indian Ayurveda, it has been described as very side effects, so there is a special emphasis on Brahmacharya in Ayurveda, so let us give you all the information in this post, why night fall Happens and how can it be avoided and how can we follow celibacy in our lives‌  .

Introduction About ( Excessive Nocturnal Emission / Nightfall/ Wet Dreams )

                                             In general, the nightfall is considered as  normal but if the nightfall starts happening in high quantity then it has a very bad effect on the body and its losses will be able to read below the post. This is what doctors say about our life. It does not have any special effect if it is happening on its own but according to Ayurveda, the main element behind the existence of nightfall is the above mental causes and physical mistakes, due to which the body becomes accustomed to that pleasure and gives us excessive night fall. 

 Here are some reasons for Night Fall / Wet Dreams

Reasons for Night Fall / Excessive Nocturnal Emission

                          Although there are many mental and physical reasons for having a dream defect, but the main reason for having a dream defect is the following.

  • Constipation / Poor Digestion :

                                                                    Constipation is caused due to weak digestive power and constipation is also one of the main reasons for wet dreams, because due to constipation, the stool becomes high in the body and due to not getting enough water, the stool remains in solid state. Due to which the amount of gas in the stomach increases and due to this, there is automatic Nightfall. 

  • Bad Habits :

                                              Dirty habits such as masturbation and sex-related conversations, watching dirty pictures and porn's.

  • Bad eating habits: 
                                                  Bad eating habits such as eating more spicy, eating non vegetarian, using more salt, consuming more spices.
Do not take hot milk before early before sleep .

  • Zero Physical Activities : 

                                                    Not doing any kind of exercise or not working is called zero physical activity. Not doing any kind of exercise or not doing physical work has also been said to be the reason for wet dreams.

Best ways and remedies to avoid Nightfall / Wet Dreams / Emission Nocturnal Emission

                                                         Whatever methods have been described in this post, the methods have been described by taking your own experience and consultation with the doctors and saints. If you are suffering from excessive dreaming, then you must consult any type of doctor.By using these measures, you will definitely get benefit in dreaming sickness .

  1. Physical Activities

                                     If you want to avoid Night fall, then keep yourself busy in any kind of physical work and make it a habit to get up at 4:00 am and then do any kind of physical exercise like running, doing yoga etc.

2. Improve Digestion 

                                   Wet dreams and weak digestive system have a very important relationship because in general if your digestive system is weak then you will definitely have constipation problem, so do not ever let yourself be constipated, because you will definitely have dreaming of constipation, so you will Follow the following measures so that your digestive system will remain strong and you will not have constipation, because of this you will be able to avoid dreaming.
  Do this things to avoid constipation.
  • Take Gooseberry powder or trifala churna after taking food

  • Daily drink water approx 2 to 3 litters
  • To improve Digestion do yoga 
  • At early morning drink water in copper mug
  • Avoid meals which create constipation
  • Avoid fast food
  • Use fresh curd with meal

3. Meditation and Mental health

                                                       It is very important for our mind to be healthy to avoid dreaming and to be healthy it is important to meditate .If you want to keep your mind healthy, then you will be in the company of good people and you will have good books and in addition to that you can see good books or videos, so that you can learn something good.Avoid people who talk about porn or are interested in porn.Instead of getting a lot of sleep,  take sleep how just a healthy man need. 

4. Avoid Smartphone Excessive use

In general, self-harm has been found to be higher among individuals who use smartphones in excessive quantity because of the frequent use of pornographic images and videos when they are not willing to use the smartphone, resulting in problems such as acceptance of the night fall Therefore, to reduce the use of smartphone as much as possible to avoid wet dreams .



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