best vegetables plants to grow in the garden.

  Majorly we can grow all type of vegetables from bigger to small. But when regarding to garden its matter the size of garden to grow vegetable.  So we will discuss about the vegetables which can be easily grow at small part of garden and pot also. Described parts are vegetable or parts of vegetable as species. In the garden sun light is the main problem which effects the growth of any vegetable. Please avoid chemical fertilizers and use biological fertilizers e.g. compost and vermi-compost. Before grow the vegetable dig the garden soil and put the inner soil above and above soil below, by this sunlight will help to disinfect this place. 



White radish

                                White radish is medicine for the chronic diseases. Use as salad with food which helps to easily digest. Radish the source of potassium, and the potassium is helpful to maintain blood pressure. Radish is easy grow in small place of garden. To grow radish plant sow radish seeds below the soil around 1-2 inches. And make sure places get sun light and manage proper water. Please maintain spaces between each seeds because it need more space to grow and white radish height may belong to 30 cm. Some disease are related to white radish eg , White rust which will  grow by fungus on the leaf which effects the leave and as the leaves destroyed the radish will never growth to good height .




               Peppermint botanical name is Mentha piperita. According to the history of Ayurveda Aromatic plants are widely used for the medicinal purpose. Peppermint contains this type of properties antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-aging. Bulgaria, Italy, USA and China are the 90% manufacturer of Peppermint in the world.


      Macro-nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) and Vermi-compost are the best nutrient for the plantation of Peppermint. Peppermint can be easy planted in pots and small part of a garden.



          Coriandrum Sativum L is the botanical name of Coriander. Coriander is mostly used as spice in Mediterranean region. Cultivation of Coriander is majority in Asia, Central Europe and North Africa. Indian curry is famous for the taste of Coriander. From a small place you can start cultivation of Coriander.


          To grow Coriander break the seeds of coriander in two parts and dip then in water and put the seeds in a cloth and hang in a place where it will contact in air, around 4 hours. Coriander seeds will moisture with water. Throw the seeds at garden and wait for 2-3 days seeds will grow and use the leaves for your vegetable. 


Medical benefits

                                   Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, anxiolytic, analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and anti-Cancer benefits



      Onion is not only a medicinal use plant. This plant is the main part of the species of Indian vegetable and salad. Onion is a taste increase specie and mostly in the market we found its seed and food fruit as species. Onion seeds are available at agriculture seeds sellers. Onions are very easy to grow.  


            To grow onion plant give the garden water and after 1-2 days spread seeds to garden and buried under the soil properly. And at the next day give water to garden. 



Chili Plant

                                 Chili plant can be grown in any small place eg pot and garden. Chili is used as an ingredient or the part of the dish, In India and in all the major countries is used in green or red powder as spices. For plantation of chili, there is not a specific requirement of climate.  It is possible to grow at every climate. To give water to Chili plant dip water is the best method according to me I found more benefit while using this method. 

                To cultivate chili in home there is small method which is majorly used in the houses and small places in India. Throw chili dry seeds in a small parts and give water to this place and after some day when a huge chili were born as a child chili plant . Separate them and plant them at your desired place.



                Garlic is known as a hot medicine which has many of medicinal benefits. Garlic is used as species and as also a taste increase in tea and as coffee in many parts of India. Non vegetarian dishes are made with garlic to create a spicy taste of any non-vegetarian dish . 

Garlic is easy to grow in plant, You have to bury the garlic clove in the ground about 1-2 inches. and give them water and wait for three to six months to get the garlic plant to ripe. 



    Tomato is the easiest plant to grow in kitchen or any garden.  Tomato is a mostly used vegetable and as part of ingredients of any special dish. Tomato is easy to grow in garden and no nutritional place is required to grow it. I have tested it to grow on all type of place eg sands and garden and all the places i got succeed to plant this in my garden.


                  No any special thing is needed no dungs neither any type of fertilizer is required to grow it. Just bought some seeds of tomato or dry any ripe or rotten tomato in sun light and after they dried around 4-5 days seeds are ready to be used.  Dip seeds some inches below the sand or soil and after some days you will get little tomato plants. So tomato is the best thing to grow in the garden.



         Cucumber is used mostly as salad or seasoning product in any dish. Cucumber is advised to use with any dish as salad because it improves the digestion system and it improve the water level in the body.

           Cucumber is easy to grow in garden just bought some seeds of cucumber and dip it to solid and give it water. And after some day when it get growth try it to add with a rope. It will climb up to the rope.


Tinda or Indian round gourd

             Tinda is a round shape green vegetable and its look like guava and pear. Taste is equal to potatoes. Tinda is a high fibber and it has benefits of  weight loss . Mostly persons doesn't like this vegetable taste.  The process to grow tinda in garden, First put tinda vegetables seeds in water for around one day and after this directly put it below the soil and give water. And wait some days and green plant will grow and enjoy the tasty and healthy vegetable in kitchen. Please avoid it to give chemical fertilizer always try natural fertilizers.




                     Spinach is the known as a iron producer and if anemia and any blood related issue than it is advised to eat for green vegetable e.g. spinach. It is a small plant which can be grown in any small garden and pot. It need regular water so it is simple and easy grown method just put seeds below soil and after the plats grown regularly give them water . 



                        Upper shown vegetables are easy to grown at garden. If water and fertilizers are available with easy to build a garden with vegetable and small fruit plants.Some plants need special needs to develop e.g sun light , Plants are grown normally but if sun light is not given properly plants doesn't build up.


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